Color Me Taje

Color Me Taje

Eponymous footwear line, Tajé, owned by Media Personality Tajé Prest has launched its second collection titled The Traveler’s Taje.

This collection is a limited edition inspired by Taje’s travels as she toured Africa recently. Taje explains she was exploring different countries – Burkina Faso, Senegal & Cote D’Ivoire, and their fabrics, which in turn fascinated her and became the theme of the new collection.

Each country she visited, she loved seeing a non-tourist version of the country, as she was able to shop for fabrics like a local. The collection is made up of three pairs of slides . Each slide type is named after its material origin as she felt it was best to keep them true to its source.

Taje’s inspiration for the collection is the need for us all to embrace different cultures the best way we can. And to her, this was her first step towards that goal.

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